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The Great Weed Conspiracy

Marijuana or Cannabis or Hemp or Ganja, many names for one great commodity - Weed is the most widely used illegal drug in the world with more than 125 million people consuming it in some way or the other every year. In India, marijuana use has been historically bound to religion and mysticism. It is claimed to be a drug that helps the ‘stoner’ attain

"ecstasy in the original sense of the word".

India has a heritage of charas (hash or hashish, which is made from weed seeds), bhang and weed for centuries.
Although, enactment of stringent narcotic laws in 1986 made the production, transportation, sale and consumption of Cannabis illegal in the country. But why exactly is the ban?

Marijuana was not illegal from the very beginning, in fact it was completely legal in India till 1985. But after that under the pressure of the United States, Rajiv Gandhi’s Government put up a nationwide ban on cannabis. Although we humans are a bunch of hypocrites leave the politicians alone, because Bhang (an edible preparation of cannabis) did not faced this rigorous ban. Why? 

In 1961, under the pressure of the United States, United Nations in the “single convention on narcotic drugs categorized Marijuana as a synthetic drug.

Thankfully, a group of cannabis and opium producing countries led by India opposed this. However, later overwhelmed by the US we compromised. The Indian Government promised to limit the export of Indian hemp, and the final draft of the treaty defined cannabis as.

"Cannabis" means the flowering or fruiting tops of the cannabis plant (excluding the seeds and leaves when not accompanied by the tops) from which the resin has not been extracted, by whatever name they may be designated.

                        —Commentary on the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961: Paragraph I, subparagrah (b) 

This took the cudgels for the tight regulations on producing and illicit trafficking of the herb.

Who made it illegal? The US. Who opposed it? India. Who pressurised India to sign the Convention? The US. And what is the Current Legal Status of Marijuana in the United States?

Marijuana is legal in 27 states of the US for medical purposes. Well, okay it is legal only for medical purposes. No! cannabis is legal in 11 states of the US for recreational purposes too.

Look for yourself:

 And not only this, but Marijuana is legal in 40 countries around the globe. And What happened to India? It still suffers from a nationwide ban here. However Uttarakhand in 2015 took the first steps to legalize Hemp Cultivation. Farmers can now grow weed after getting an excise licensee.

But why have not we heard much about it?

Well, here is the catch. This move was expected to bring in some much-needed money into the rural economy of the state which is in a dying need for cash crops. And the grown hemp is only used for industrial purposes like manufacturing of fiber. And the produce can only be bought by the Government.

But still one thing is not clear. Why US put the ban in the first place? Well, currently the ban is backed and promoted by the pharmaceuticals, alcohol and tobacco industry but the originally the reason behind is not specific. Instead, it is because of a series of issues. 3 explanations are the most realistic and legit.

Theory I
When the Mexican immigrated in the US in early 1900s they brought with them the marijuana as medicine and relaxant. So, in order for the United States to have a proper excuse to search and deport the immigrants, marijuana became the perfect drug to criminalize and to label dangerous.

Theory II
In 1929 Harry Anslinger was the head of the department of prohibition in the United States. He was dealing with the retaliation of the alcohol ban. Once the ban was removed Harry's department was practically left non-operational. So, they came up with this idea to tell the people that Marijuana was a devil drug which turns men into wild beast who would attack women. Apparently, Harry contacted 30 scientists asking for proof of this concept to show to the public. But 29 of them said they were unable to find valid proof that the drug was dangerous. No need to be mad at him he is the guy who said this:

Theory III
Major industrial companies mainly Du Pont. Became worried that many uses of him more specifically nylon which Du Pont First invented at around the same time the Marijuana laws were properly being enforced. It was simply profitable for them to support and up bring the Government’s decision to tell the public Marijuana was a drug just to make people high whereas, in reality it was to ban the use of hemp from being a nylon alternative.

The combination of these various theories has made US finally banning the herb having more than 60,000 uses, the herb having the ability to cure some of the deadliest diseases known to mankind.

The combination of these various theories has made US finally banning the herb having more than 60,000 uses, the herb having the ability to cure some of the deadliest diseases known to mankind.

31 years of this conspiracy, here we are logically explaining why it should be legalized in India. And yes, let alone the medicinal good of ganja these are just some very logical reasons our Government must consider about.

Alcohol is much danger than weed and still it is Legal. Make Sense, Right?
13 Consecutive shots of alcohol can be lethal to a human. Because alcohol is a depressant, it begins to shut down the brain’s basic life functions such as breathing and heart pumping.

Whereas when it comes to dying from Marijuana the shot is a long one, as one have to eat around 22 KGs of weed to die and when it comes to smoking marijuana it is completely non-lethal. Well, theoretically it can be lethal, but for it to induce any lethal response one have to smoke up an entire 680 Kilograms of Marijuana within 15 minutes.  And yes according to a US Report the states in US having Marijuana Legalized for Recreational Purposes have seen a drop of 10% in alcohol consumption.

Well yes, weed is definitely more dangerous and socially unacceptable than alcohol and yes it must stay banned.

Weed Legalization will end the Illegal trade and the crimes associated with it
Marijuana decriminalization will end the illegal black market production and distribution. There will be specific rules and regulations set by the Government but the trade will be conducted by farmers, merchants and retails clerks, and not by criminals or drug dealers.

Prohibition has failed to regulate the use and domestic production of cannabis anyway.
It is claimed that 60,000 KGs of hashish and 40,000 KGs of afeem (opium) is produced in Himachal Pradesh. Out of that, less than 1% is seized annually. Just imagine how large is the production and the Government could generate huge revenue as well as employment. According to the reports, there are more than 1,600 hectares of cultivable farmland with an additional 500 hectares of illicitly felled public forests are presently under marijuana cultivation and rate is only increasing. Beyond this, these days, it is very easy to buy weed in India and its consumption is widespread among the youth. So, it is fair to say that prohibition has failed to curb the 'problem'.

Cannabis Addiction is as scarce as hen's teeth
According to an epidemiological study only 9 percent of those who use cannabis end up being clinically dependent on it. The 'comparable rates' for cocaine, alcohol and tobacco stood at 16 percent, 15 percent and 32 percent respectively.

Taxing marijuana will increase government's revenue
Decriminalizing and taxing marijuana will stand the Government to earn huge revenue that will otherwise go to the Italian and Israeli drug cartels. US President George Bush, in an open letter from around 500 economists, led by Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman, called for cannabis to be legalized but also taxed and regulated like other commodities. according to Marijuana Business Daily’s annual report, the Hemp Industry is expected to reach $44 Billion by 2020 in US. Yes, the people originally banning it are earning gross amounts of revenue and the country with a rich ganja heritage is not as the Industry is completely non-existent here.

It will create a huge employment opportunities
Legalizing Cannabis for medical and recreational purposes in Colorado has created 10,000 new jobs in the area. There is a superabundance of jobs that can be created by the hemp industry and will help reduce the country’s unemployment rate.

One just cannot argue about weed to get decriminalized without discussing its medical benefits.
It is often portrayed as a hardcore drug having a long lasting malicious effect on human body. But the fact is, Weed had been used in ancient India and in Ayurveda (the oldest medicine system) for treating many ailments such like Gastric troubles, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Jaundice, Obesity, etc. Weed's main active ingredient—tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC—stimulates appetite. It also contain some unique cannabinoids which act like analgesic, painkiller. Research have shown that it is also very helpful in venereal disease like erectile dysfunction. Beside having these beneficial features, it is widely been use all over the world for finding the cure for the cancer.

In the end, it's not even about the right to get stoned or get wasted. It's about choice, our own personal choice whether to do it or not. It isn't even about being some politically correct or being morally right. The question still remains who get to choose what is right, Is it You or Them?


This post was written by:

Adarsh Narsaria is a content marketing professional , a Digital Artist and Professional Audio - Video Editor who helps companies attract visitors by making appealing promotional media, video advertisements and custom branded stationery. Previously, Adarsh worked as a marketing consultant in a Talent Acquisition Startup Business. He is currently doing his graduation.

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